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marketing isn’t rocket science. but there’s still a lesson or two the technology cmo can teach his professional services counterpart.




























(王欣红 译)

accountability is this marketing season’s burberry; everyone has to show some form of it. it is by far the most popular theme at marketing roundtables, seminars or conventions. and why not? budgets are as tight as ever and c-suite executives are insisting that their organizations count their pennies.

the trend toward accountability in marketing cannot-and should not-be ignored, since it is a movement toward a more responsible way of doing business. the basic concept of partnership is the belief that your business colleagues will do precisely what they agree theyll do-and that you will too. the movement toward greater accountability is proof that marketing is coming of age.

marketing has rarely been able to earn a seat at the table because it was viewed as a cost of doing business instead of as a core capacity or investment. where did the marketing budget go last year? what did it generate? we all know that retail magnate john wanamaker created a ceo bias for the ages-and a sore spot for marketers-when he declared that he knew 50 percent of his advertising budget was wasted; he just didn’t know which half.

in the technology sector-an industry in its third decade-the influence of marketing has never been greater. one of the key reasons for the increased reliance on tech marketing is that it has been held accountable for some time. since the sector is more data-driven than other vertical marketplaces, meaningful measures and standards have become increasingly institutionalized. much of the waste that wanamaker decried has been engineered out of the technology marketing equation.

on the other hand, marketing is a relatively new phenomenon in the field of professional services. accounting firms and business consultancies started to embrace marketing in the 1980s; law firms followed in the 1990s. it is no longer a rarity to see cmos sitting on management committees-or even holding partnership status. however, none of this means that marketing success in the professional services sector is fully embraced or easy to calibrate. and while accountability is every bit as important to the law firm cmo, it is much trickier to demonstrate and merchandise than it is for the technology cmo. although marketers in both sectors face unique challenges, the professional services cmo could learn a thing or two from the tech cmo. what do those lessons include?

get executive buy-in.

the process of measurement and the objective of accountability are both intended to determine business success-success that should encourage reward. the engineers and business managers running technology companies view marketing through a very rational lens. they see clear connections between marketing activities that turn into leads, which turn into presentations, which result in sales.

the managing partners in professional services organizations must buy into the relationship that measurement and accountability have on business success, and it’s the cmo’s job to make sure that happens. when there is a win sparked by a marketing initiative, the cmo must be properly positioned to accept the reward. suggest to the managing partners that measurable goals are written into the cmo job description and that marketing is funded realistically so that you can achieve the objectives.

similarly, when charting a course with a marketing resource-your design company, advertising, interactive or public relations agency-make sure that it understands the imperative as well as the measures. be crystal clear about your expectations as well as the managing partners’.

define “accountability.”

the basic tenet of accountability is that one party holds another to their working agreement. in the technology sector, a pr agency might be expected to produce a certain number of positive media hits. an interactive agency would be expected to engineer a certain number of leads generated by an online initiative. both would be held accountable for demonstrating their fulfillment of the promise.

the professional services cmo has a variety of measures to enable accountability, the best of which are closely connected to business success. encourage realistic, meaningful goals from the managing partners and incorporate those into the working agreements with your marketing resources. define obtainable, though not necessarily easy, measures. the objective is to be successful.

remember the adage, haste makes waste.

the digitally driven technology sector is all about precision. the tech cmo measures very, very carefully and applies knowledge strategically in the interest of increasing program effectiveness. seminar series attendance, for example, can have an immediate business impact; supportive marketing programs are often tweaked very subtly to increase attendance records with each deployment.

the professional services cmo also needs to determine measurements that can be evaluated with a surgical precision. take all the time necessary to make sure that the partners are on board and that your outside resources are clear on the metrics and objectives. vague measurements will produce only fuzzy results, with the most tenuous connection to business impact.

understand the relationship between marketing and sales.

in the technology sector, sales and marketing are seen as separate, essential and complementary. marketing defines the brand, communicates the value proposition and generates sales leads. in the very best organized technology companies, there is an efficient handshake between the two competencies as leads are transferred for presentations and closing.

the cmo in a law firm must work with outside resources to develop materials and programs that do the lifting for the brand, its value proposition and-in some cases-lead generation. but the cmo must be able to hold the partners in the firm accountable for the hard-core sales closing. if these partners dont have the appropriate sales skills, they must be expected to develop them.

give your marketing resources everything they need.

if you are going to hold your resources accountable, you must provide every opportunity to generate success. in the technology space, this means unfettered access to the company’s leadership and vision, as well as to product information and marketplace data. often, the thought leadership that exists within a technology company can provide content that offers the most powerful weaponry.

partners in a business consultancy must be available, willing and interested in being out in front with differentiated opinions, thoughtful perspectives and provocative speeches. hold them accountable for this. make sure that you listen carefully to your marketing agencies’ requests for input and data, and be responsive. accountability is a two-way street. remember, you are holding your agencies accountable, but you want them to be successful because your interests are tied to theirs.

take counsel from your marketing resources.

the technology cmo has learned to hire resources that have industry provenance and significant domain experience. the learning curve is an “avoid”; programs need to be up and running quickly. agencies with valuable industry experience should be expected to provide objective, honest and frank views on your business, strategies and options.

the professional services cmo should take a page from the tech book. don’t experiment with marketing resources that are new to your segment; you will invest too much time teaching the critical nuances of your profession and helping them understand the complex buyer values. but don’t hire seasoned pros and ignore their counsel. hold them accountable for providing the perspectives and insights gained through their histories. then give them a fair and open hearing, and leverage that considerable value.

be flexible.

the dynamic nature of the technology sector is well-known. change is part of the landscape, and with change, priorities can shift. and so the technology cmo inspires one other bit of insight that might actually seem counterintuitive or ironic: have standards, but be flexible. define those standards and measures. be clear about those objectives. hold your marketing resources accountable, and demonstrate your own accountability. but be flexible as circumstances evolve. what practical good can come from holding an agency accountable to a metric that is no longer tied to a current or future business impact?

while accountability is hot right now, it’s definitely here to stay-no matter what industry. this is a good thing, since it can only demystify marketing and reveal roi. it will force standards as well as an examination of best practices and, in the end, create a seat at the table for the cmo.